Saturday, September 26, 2009

You Gotta Love High School

Yesterday was probably the most interesting day of my high school life. Here's the story of what happened.
First I woke up late cause my alarm didn't go off so I was a little late for school but thankfully I wasn't marked tardy! Anyways in one of my classes the most surprising thing happened. The teacher had switched the seating chart. Everyone moved to their new spots and one girl came in late and didn't know that we had changed the seating chart. I had sat in her old spot (let me take a break and describe this girl. She was very tall, kinda big, and black) and she wasn't quite thrilled where I was sitting. This is how the conversation went:

WARNING: There are some swear words used in this!
-Kami the Great (KTG) I know you love the name =P
-Big Scary Girl (BSG)

BSG: What are you doing in my seat?
KTG: Oh we got a new seating chart. I think you sit somewhere in the back
BSG: Get out of my damn seat!
KTG: Uhh... you can even ask the teacher. I'm pretty sure you sit in my old seat.
BSG: Get your skinny white ass out of my seat!!

Thankfully by this time the teacher had heard her and got mad and told her to sit in her spot. But really I'm still surprised she said that last part haha I just wanted to say to her "aww you think my butt is skinny? thank you! that means so much!" I must admit that was a compliment since my whole family makes fun of me for having the biggest butt!

So for the rest of the day school was pretty normal but after school the best thing happened to me. I was driving to pick up my friend Kiersten for cheer. Well I get her and we were driving to go get Nicole and I see that Nicole had left her shake from earlier so I threw it away in a garbage sack in my car (cause I was cleaning my car out before) and as I throw it away it spills all over me! My uniform has white on it and this shake was red... yeah it wasn't so great. I hurry and drive to my house and my family is all there and laugh a little since I had a shake all over me. My mom saved the day and washed out the shake pretty well while me and Kiersten cleaned up all the sticky stuff in my car. When I came in I grabbed my skirt and put it on and left for the game. I had no time to dry my skirt so I got to go to the game with a wet skirt... it was pretty awesome.
Pretty much to sum this whole thing up this is why you gotta love high school... you probably won't have these funny experiences when you're older haha.

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