Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm spoiled I know....

... I bet none of you could guess why I am super spoiled now days. Well I can tell you why =) 
This year I was fortunate to get one of those boys that does everything for you like buy you things, pick up yummy food for you, yell at when you're PMSing, and did I mention buy you things? It's called a boyfriend... just kidding =) I was lucky though to get a Tiffanys bracelet and necklace! For my 18th birthday Seth was in California with his family and he was going to make it home in time for my birthday but because of the "blizzard" that never happened his flight was cancelled. Yeah I was sad, I'll admit it but he did make it up by getting my some Tiffanys jewelry =) 

I love this gift very very much! Thanks Seth Lee!

(Oh and because I didn't post any pictures of homecoming here are some randoms pictures just cause I felt like it haha)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

*~Cousin Night~*

I know... I know. I'm horrible at keeping up with my blog and I promise I'll do better and keep up!

Anyways all the cousins got the opportunity to go to temple square to see David Archuleta perform with the Mormon Tabernacle choir. The best part was Auntie Karma flew down for this event! We all got the great opportunity of riding trax with lots of stinky people hehe.

Before you look at the pictures I just want everyone to recognize how beautiful Auntie Karma looks in these pictures =) I had to warn her one day in advance that I would be taking lots of pictures of all the cousins at temple square so she has to be ready for it because they would be on facebook. She was a little iffy at first but she planned to wear a great outfit for the pictures! 
Thank you Auntie for taking pictures with us!! We all love you!


 Seth and Ty 
(Ty has a new hairstyle in case you can't tell)

 Nice poses!

Super Saejoon!

As much as Dorie hates me to say this they really do look like twins right here =)

 The lights!

 Korean Drama!

 Ty's amazing picture that he took
(It's only amazing because I'm in it hehe)

Thanks to all the cousins for a very fun night! I hope we have more of these bonding moments. 
Sina and Tia
I hope the both of you come visit Provo at the same time so we can go have a cousin night =) Auntie Karma was Ty's date so you guys can be a little group or you can bring your own guys ;) 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

John Mayer Concert

On Tuesday I was lucky enough to have the best kid ever take me to the John Mayer concert! He is so amazing live! Even thought I'm pretty sure that he was drunk he was saying some pretty funny stuff... I could see him being a stand up comedian.
Owl City opened for John Mayer and Mandi I hope you're jealous because I know you love that band haha! 
Anyways here is are some pictures of that amazing night =)

Seth and his Dad =)

 John Mayer 

Thanks so much Seth and Mr. Lee for taking me! It was awesome!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Spa Night Buddy

Can I just say right now that I'm the luckiest girl? I have a guy who loves doing face masks, biore strips, and buffs his nails sometimes (plus mine). Well Seth Lim Lee is the perfect guy to have spa nights with. Here's some pictures to prove that I'm not lying... there are really straight guys out there who love doing this stuff =P

Thanks Seth for being my girls night buddy when I need it =) 
(or as my mom likes to say my "metro" friend hehe)

Lyla and the Kitten

I am terrible at keeping up on my blog but better late that never right!

About two Sundays ago I got to see Steve's cousin's kittens. They were so cute! I wanted to bring a kitten back to my mom scaring her that I had bought a cat. Sadly the prank didn't work but the good part was Lyla-Jayne absolutely loved this kitten. The whole time she was holding the cat she would say "pwetty kitty!" it was adorable!

Lyla doing her cute little kissy face =)

The rest of the kittens

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yes it was quite a night...

... it all began on our way to In-n-Out, the greatest place ever
Us with our awesome chocolate shakes that you couldn't really drink cause nothing would come out of the straw...

After we ate Carson and I began to wonder what we could do in good ole' boring Utah... Carson became frustrated after moments of thinking

Finally I Kami Lin Shelley came up with a brilliant idea!!!!!
We would go take pictures at Zurchers!! (it's like party land =) )

And before we left I made a wish that Sam Abney would come along and have a girls night with us....

LATER THAT NIGHT.... wish came true =)
Miss Sam was hungry so we stopped at Mickie Dees for her haha

after a few minutes of boredom we decided to blow up mentos in diet coke (and yes, it does work)

Carson and i were a little afraid

we were a little angry that it wasn't a big explosion...

Girls night was bomb. The end.