Saturday, August 7, 2010

Spa Night Buddy

Can I just say right now that I'm the luckiest girl? I have a guy who loves doing face masks, biore strips, and buffs his nails sometimes (plus mine). Well Seth Lim Lee is the perfect guy to have spa nights with. Here's some pictures to prove that I'm not lying... there are really straight guys out there who love doing this stuff =P

Thanks Seth for being my girls night buddy when I need it =) 
(or as my mom likes to say my "metro" friend hehe)

Lyla and the Kitten

I am terrible at keeping up on my blog but better late that never right!

About two Sundays ago I got to see Steve's cousin's kittens. They were so cute! I wanted to bring a kitten back to my mom scaring her that I had bought a cat. Sadly the prank didn't work but the good part was Lyla-Jayne absolutely loved this kitten. The whole time she was holding the cat she would say "pwetty kitty!" it was adorable!

Lyla doing her cute little kissy face =)

The rest of the kittens