For my family in Hawaii who don't know what dance this is it's prom backwards and it's girls choice. Well I Cameron Vanwagner and it was a fun date =) We made pizzas blind folded and played tons of fun games! After that we headed for the dance which was at Classic Skating so we got to skate and that was super fun! I know, you all think I'm not for coordinated with some things but I didn't fall once =) oh yeah! We also were gangsters for the dance so we all had some gangster names so I'll put them under their real's some pictures of the dance!
Rachel and Kamanao
Lil Ray and Big K

Dean and Alexis
D-Whit and A-boz

My date Cameron

Me and Alexis!
A-boz and Kam-Dawg

We had a fun flour fight!

Me and Cameron!

For more pictures that my wonderful sister Krista took click
HERE to see her new photography blog. She took some awesome pictures!
I had so much fun at the dance! And for all you cousins don't listen to Dorie or Krista when they want to share their opinions about certain things with the "group"
Cute pics! Thanks for sharing! My dear Kami, where was the chola makeup??? The look was NOT gangsta enough. hehe Anyway, I would LOOOOVE to hear Krista's and Dorie's opinions. Do tell! lol