Saturday, January 23, 2010


I had the great privilege of going to maturation with my little sister Mandi.  I'm pretty sure I was the youngest guardian who was there and sadly they asked the little 5th and 6th graders if they had moody sisters... for example the nurse giving this lesson asked "How many of you girls have an older sister who is really nice to you and then five or ten minutes later they can be really grumpy?" immediately ALL the girls raised their hand including Mandi. I can't blame her I do have my moody days but I never really realized how much teenagers do that. Well I learned a lot in this little program and I'm pretty sure Mandi learned a lot as well. She looked more horrified and shocked than disgusted. Here are the pictures of before maturation and after



This is the treat bag that Mandi got after their lesson. Inside it had deodorant, pads, and some face wash

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