For the past week and half I haven't been able to hold food down and had sharp pains in my chest and stomach. At practice I threw up and felt completely sick but I shook off the feeling. I got ready for the game and got on the bus to Timpview. On the way there my eyes started watering because my stomach felt like it was on fire! I called my dad and told him that we should set up an appointment to see the doctor because I threw up in practice again and he said he would call the doctor.
We arrived at Timpview and I was feeling a little better but I still had that feeling of throwing up. All of a sudden the pains in my heart were getting worse and worse. The left side of my face was going numb and swollen. I called my mom worried to death and started balling on the phone. She had my dad come and pick me up from the school. He rushed to the ER. My brother Corey was already there waiting for us. We went into the waiting room, talked to a nurse, then went back into a room. I had an IV put it which was very sore but they gave me some medicine to settle my stomach and tons of fluids. They took some samples of my blood and tested it. As we were waiting Doctor Burrdock came in asking a few questions that were really awkward and this is how the conversation went:
Doc- "Are you pregnant?"
Me- "No"
Doc- "Is there any possibility you could be pregnant?"
Me- "No"
Doc- "Are you sure you're not pregnant?"
Me- (with a little laughter) "Yes!"
My dad was amazed with how many times that question came up. Well we waited for 3 and half hours and when you have Krista in the room time flies! She took a gross picture of me (which she needs to delete) and she looked like a little kid when she was having fun solving problems on the white board in the room so thank you Krista and Dad for keeping me company!
When the blood tests came back the results were negative but the nurse said I may have a virus so she sent me home with medicine that I hope works.
I just like to thank my awesome cousins Dorie and Sae Joon for bringing me some good treats =) I loved them! I would also like my friends who came to visit me!
Me wearing the ugly hospital band =P